

Spring 2025: Automata and Formal Languages (with Nikos Tzevelekos)

Introductory course at Queen Mary University

Winter 2024: Computability, Complexity and Algorithms (with Soren Riis)

Advanced course at Queen Mary University

Spring 2024: Automata and Formal Languages (with Hamza Bandukara)

Introductory course at Queen Mary University

Michaelmas Term 2023: Probability and Computing (with Leslie Ann Goldberg)

Advanced course at Oxford University

Hilary Term 2021: Probability and Computing 

Advanced course at Oxford University; awarded with a Departmental Teaching Award


Hilary Term 2020 & 2022, and Michaelmas Term 2022: Probability and Computing 

Advanced course at Oxford University, held by Leslie Ann Goldberg.
Awarded with a Departmental Teaching Commendation for Michaelmas Term 2022.

Supervised Students

Summer 2022: Tassilo Schwarz 

Master's Thesis, Oxford University, co-supervised with Leslie Ann Goldberg, results published in Theoretical Computer Science (to appear).

Winter 2018/2019: Julian Dörfler 

Research Immersion Lab, Saarland University, co-supervised with Holger Dell, results published in MFCS 2019.

Summer 2018: Philip Wellnitz (now at NII Japan)

Research Immersion Lab, Saarland University co-supervised with Holger Dell, results published in ICALP 2019.

Teaching Assistant

Winter 2018/2019: Multivariate Algorithmics 

Advanced course at Saarland University, held by Karl Bringmann and Holger Dell.

Winter 2018/2019: Derandomization and Circuit Lower Bounds

Advanced course at Saarland University, held by Markus Bläser.

Winter 2017/2018:  Basics in Theoretical Computer Science

Introductory course at Saarland University, held by Markus Bläser.

Summer 2017: "P vs. NP - Is it difficult to be creative?"

Seminar at Saarland University, held by Holger Dell.

Winter 2016/2017: Cryptography

Core lecture at Saarland University, held by Markus Bläser.

The Mathematics Preparatory Course for Computer Scientists at Saarland University

Summer 2015, 2016 and 2017

Preparatory course for the new students in Computer Science, organized and held by a team of voluntary Bachelor, Master and PhD students.

Awarded with the BeStE-Prize 2017 for extraordinary commitment and student initiatives by the presidential board of Saarland University.

Student Teaching Assistant

Winter 2014/2015: Basics in Theoretical Computer Science

Introductory course at Saarland University, held by Markus Bläser.

Summer 2014: Concurrent Programming

Introductory course (with strong focus on theory) at Saarland University, held by Holger Hermanns.

Summer 2014:  Linear Algebra 2

Introductory course in mathematics at Saarland University, held by Hannah Markwig.

Winter 2013/2014: Linear Algebra 1

Introductory course in mathematics at Saarland University, held by Hannah Markwig.

Winter 2013/2014: Basics in Theoretical Computer Science

Introductory course at Saarland University, held by Gert Smolka.

Summer 2013: System Architecture

Introductory course (with strong focus on theory) at Saarland University, held by Wolfgang Paul.

Winter 2012/2013: Introduction to Programming with Standard ML

Introductory course at Saarland University, held by Gert Smolka.